‘Dubhe’ the Open-Source AI Platform Launched by China

‘Dubhe’ the Open-Source AI Platform Launched by China

Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation is recognized as a critical component in promoting industry-wide growth.

China has launched an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) platform ‘Dubhe’ jointly developed by Zhejiang Lab, Beijing Oneflow Technology, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Zhejiang University, and others to promote the burgeoning industry’s global growth.

About Dubhe

The AI platform is used to create, evaluate, and improve autonomous artificial technology and industrial ecosystems in the area of AI algorithms. It aims to become a leader in the field by building an ecosystem of artificial intelligence cooperation and promoting business development.

This computer software is published under a license where the copyright holder gives users the freedom to use, alter, and distribute the software.

Advantages Which Stand Out ‘Dubhe’ from Other Platforms:

  • A high-performance, independently developed core computing platform
  • A complete development kit for AI
  • Integration of the AI paradigm and open implementation at the edge, cloud, and terminal
  • An intelligent network of runtime communication

Opportunity for Different Organizations

The Dubhe platform will promote opportunities for various organizations to quickly implement artificial intelligence into their businesses, as the platform provides features such as flexibility, automatic orchestration, output reliability, and stability.

People are motivated to embrace AI because of the low error rate relative to humans, which has impressive precision, accuracy, and speed.

“I hope that the Dubhe Artificial Intelligence Open Source Platform can push forward the application of AI technologies in different industries,” said Pan Yunhe, an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief scientist in artificial intelligence at Zhejiang Lab.

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