Healthcare Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Ingenious e-Brain

Scouting Novel Therapeutic Molecule for IP Licensing

The Client European Pharmaceutical giant. Challenge IP head of a European pharmaceutical company approached us with a challenging task, wherein IeB was asked to perform worldwide patent scouting for novel… Continue reading Scouting Novel Therapeutic Molecule for IP Licensing

Global Market Study on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Overview The worldwide PCR market was estimated at $xx billion in 2012 and is expected to develop at a CAGR of 8.7% to reach $13.4 billion by 2020. The booming… Continue reading Global Market Study on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Global Oncology Market Study

The Client A Global Oncology Pharmaceutical Company Challenge The client wanted to conduct a market study to understand the current and future market potential along with the changing regulatory scenario… Continue reading Global Oncology Market Study

Market Study of Oil and Gas Industry

Overview The purpose of the study was to perform market research on the Oil and Gas industry so that Corrosion can be avoided because it is considered as the major… Continue reading Market Study of Oil and Gas Industry

Market Sizing for Global mobile-Health (mHealth) Market

The Client A Mobile Healthcare Startup Challenge The Client wanted to assess the Global mobile healthcare (mHealth) market and identify the market dynamics of the domain. Our Solution Ingenious conducted… Continue reading Market Sizing for Global mobile-Health (mHealth) Market

AAV Based Gene Therapy-Hemophilia A

The Challenge The adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector appears to be the safest and most effective vehicle, allowing for long-term gene and protein expression after a single injection. There are 12… Continue reading AAV Based Gene Therapy-Hemophilia A

Generic Pharma Industry Opportunity Analysis

The Challenge Pharmaceutical companies face losses due to drug patents expiring and losing exclusivity every year. This expiration acts as a challenge for the patent holders, while on the other… Continue reading Generic Pharma Industry Opportunity Analysis

Technology Landscape of Next Generation Sequencing

Overview NGS builds upon “first generation sequencing” technologies to yield accurate and cost-effective sequencing results. Using NGS an entire human genome can be sequenced within a single day.

Technology Landscape of Drug Portfolio Analysis

Overview The objective of study was to analyze the pattern and compare portfolio of drugs in pipeline to those being translated to FDA approval stage. Key drivers and challenges were… Continue reading Technology Landscape of Drug Portfolio Analysis

Landscape Analysis of Biomedical Devices

The Client A global Biomedical company The Challenge The client wanted to conduct a landscape and whitespace analysis of biomedical components to find the details of relevant assignee and product… Continue reading Landscape Analysis of Biomedical Devices