Early Diligence Study for US Based Investment Firm

Early Diligence Study for US Based Investment Firm

The Challenge

A leading investment firm from the United States wanted to invest in a company having a few patents in its IP portfolio. They wanted to know about the competitors, current market position, and future market potential of that invention.
The team at Ingenious e-Brain Solutions identified the key challenges listed below:

• Technical Risk
• Market Risk
• Regulatory Risk
• Competitive Risk
• Intellectual Property Risk

After analyzing the risks mentioned above associated with our client’s investment, we performed early-stage diligence for them.

Our Solution

Our IP Intelligence team performed an in-depth analysis of the patent and pointed out that the competitors have similarly protected innovation in their portfolios. The Technology Intelligence team performed benchmarking of the technologies of competitors against the reference-protected innovation. Lastly, the Market Intelligence team evaluated the current market share and estimated its future market potential.

The methodology we applied for the same is as below:

Early Diligence Methodology - Ingenious e-Brain
The early-stage diligence process culminates in an investment decision made after the investor has reviewed all technical facts relating to a company, its product, and the market. Several other investor-specific factors can influence an investment decision, including familiarity with the industry or strategic fit within a portfolio. Thus, we provided all the information required for a wise investment deal.
Summary of the Invention:
Summary of the Invention - Early Diligence
Key Feature: A polymer composition doped with an antimicrobial agent in a specific amount concerning the composition.
Technical Competitors:
Early Diligence Technical Competitors - Ingenious e-Brain

Competitors: After analyzing who the competitors are and their innovation’s technical features, we analyzed the challenges our reference assignee could face from competitors.

The Impact

Our analysis helped the client understand the risk associated with the patent, current market share, competitors, and future market potential, and evaluate the amount they should invest against the mortgaged patent.

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