Innovative Strategies Lead to Success in an Invalidation Case

Innovative Strategies Lead to Success in an Invalidation Case

In typical invalidation cases, searches are concentrated within the specific domain of the invention. However, in a particularly challenging case, our client, from electronics sector, had already exhausted all relevant prior art within the invention’s domain. They tasked us with finding references from unrelated fields that potentially invalidate a patent’s novel aspects.

Client’s Requirement

The client, familiar with the existing prior art in the invention’s field, provided us with a promising reference and wanted us to identify out-of-domain results that could challenge the invention’s novelty.  

Key technical areas we need to consider while evaluating to invalidate a prior art: 

● Magnetic Communication 

● Bidirectional Communication 

● Relay-Based Signal Transmission 

● Universal Command Transmission 

● Through-Rock Communication

Challenges we faced

● Broad Scope of Keywords: The extensive range of possible keywords made it difficult to narrow down the search. 

● Existing Strong Prior Art: The client had already identified a robust prior art reference within the domain. 

● Result Identification: We were striving to discover a combination of references that could effectively challenge the novel aspects of the patent claim. 

Want to access the complete case study describing the unparalleled strategic approaches leveraged by our IP professionals to meet our client’s requirements and uncover how our insights have supported our client in securing their win in the invalidation case? 

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