Landscape Study: MFGM-Based Health Composition

Landscape Study: MFGM-Based Health Composition

The Challenge

One of the leading food technology company approached us to gain IP insights about the nutritional composition containing Milk fat globule membrane/Milk fat globule membrane fragment (MFGM). Specifically, the composition should provide some health or therapeutic benefit.

The client focus was towards nutritional and technological aspects of the MFGM material as the whole membrane and different lipid and protein show promising roles in new product applications, including infant formulations. Key aspects were

Key sources and therapeutic application:

  • Source of MFGM being utilized for different health/medical benefits.
  • Existing and Emerging players: Gaining insight into assignees’ activities dominating the domain along with recent patent filers in the field.

Our Solution

Our methodology for searches generally involved the following steps:

Patent Searches

  • Conducting patent searches using keyword-based strategies, class-based search, assignee-based search, inventor-based search, combinational search, and more on various patent databases
  • Screening and analyzing patents to shortlist relevant results
  • Conducting supplementary searches such as assignee/inventory-based searches and citation searches based on the search results obtained from the steps mentioned above

The approach used for the project was,

IP Landscape Study on MFGM - Ingenious e-Brain
MFGM Health Composition - Ingenious e-Brain

The Impact

  • Identification list of potential emerging players in the domain along with their research focus
  • Easy understand the relationship between different sources of MFGM being exploited for various therapeutic purposes
  • Gained comprehensive knowledge of their competitors and activities with respect to additional components utilized in therapeutic composition

our Experts

