Alternet Systems: EV Design Team with 200+ Patentable Claims
Alternet Systems, Inc. (USOTC: ALYI) is ready to launch and deploy the leading innovative electric vehicle design scheme behind ALYI Rideshare Electric Motorcycle.
Growth Opportunity in the Sub-Saharan Automobile Industry
- The focus of ALYI on electric mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa is to bring environmentally viable transport services into an area with a drastically reduced per capita transport infrastructure.
- Simultaneously, ALYI aims to design and implement the topic of sustainable transport solutions so that the economic gain for the local economy is optimized.
- To increase the current market potential of the Sub-Saharan Motorbike (boda boda) and
- To turn the entire fleet of motorbikes into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly ecosystem in the longer term.
- The industrial design team will be launching ALYI’s next electric vehicle concept wave upcoming week, Friday, 11 September 2020, with over 200 patentable statements.
Concepts to be Featured in the Presentation
- The team will discuss lessons gained from working on the new Revolt Electric Motorcycle variant and how these experiences push and guide the next wave of innovation.
- The team will touch carefully on the current version of the ReVolt Electric Motorcycle, which retains most of the latest design features until development begins.
- The presentation’s ultimate goal is to show the design skills and experience behind the latest and upcoming electric mobility developments in ALYI.
Collaboration with Rideshare Revolution Electric motorcycle
- Only the starting point for the long-term vision of electric mobility is the Rideshare ReVolt Electric motorcycle.
- ALYI developed a project that brings a group of stakeholders with a team of ALYI’s own designers to make a joint contribution to electrical mobility in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond rather than develop specific future products in an isolated laboratory.
ALYI generates independent revenue to support research and development
- ALYI has established an annual electric mobility symposium and conference around an electric car race as an anchor event to encourage and promote cooperation in a rational mobility phase.
- The yearly event produces revenues that contribute to the local economy, thus establishing advancement in the potential developments in electric mobility.
- Research and development costs and expenses can offset the annual event sales and eventually become a profit center for research and development.
Active involvement of ALYI Electric Mobility Ecosystem
The electric mobility ecosystem of ALYI has been conceived to promote broad participants with the catalyst for the launching of the ecosystem into a continuous step centered around a proposed initial crypto-monetary (ICO) proposal coordinated by ALYI RevoltTOLKEN funding partner.
About RevoltTOKEN
- RevoltTOKEN (RVLT) is designed based on the fundamental underlying technological protocol that has already been implemented and established, which can now be universally used to create improved social contracts with specific aims.
- There are many public references to the technical protocol that underpins the establishment of cryptocurrencies to facilitate social arrangements emphasizing systemic collaboration on property rights, fair access, fairness, and transparency.
- RevoltTOKEN, based in Zug, Switzerland, and the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance based in the USA, which is the most stable blockchain current and is funded by The Ethereum Foundation
- The RevoltTOLKEN cryptocurrency is structured into the ALYI electrical mobility ecosystem to incorporate the holder as a stakeholder.
- A token that has a redeemable value in the electrical ecosystem of the ALYI is the RevoltTOLKEN cryptocurrency.