Sustainable Packaging Solutions with Organic Barrier Coatings

Sustainable Packaging Solutions with Organic Barrier Coatings

A Transition to New Opportunities

Brand owners and retailers getting pressured from consumers to use more sustainable packaging solutions. Everybody is now more open to evaluate paper-based packaging solutions because of its eco halo effect. Barrier coatings for paper and paperboard substrates minimize the largely passage of water, water vapor, gases, solvents, oils, and fatty acids under a range of temperatures and conditions, which can be primarily used as replacement of coatings made with fluorochemicals and waxes in food packaging, paper cups, plates, wrapping paper, etc. Organic barrier coatings that go into the paper & paperboard substrates can help brand owners and retailers to achieve their sustainability and carbon neutrality goals. There is a big regulatory push to ban coatings made with fluorochemicals including perfluoro- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

This webinar will uncover the current progress of industry toward sustainable materials for organic barrier coatings and paper packaging, how these materials are evolving, what are the key innovation trends, what are the business case & use case and success stories, how regulations are changing keeping the goal of the decarbonization and sustainability in mind, and the various roadblocks to commercialization of these materials. Ingenious e-Brain Solutions (IEBS) will explore and showcase the potential opportunities and challenges faced in this domain and help businesses to access where is a growing interest in organic barrier coatings for paper packaging.

This webinar will be unearthing possibilities of organic barrier coatings for sustainable packaging in a way that truly helps businesses to see the opportunities clearly on technologies, business case, use case, players, and regulations and accordingly chart their business strategies.

Key topics to be discussed in webinar are:-

  • Which are the key solutions that companies watches out for in this space?
  • Which are the most interesting technology clusters, which can be pursued by organization for further investigations?
  • What are the challenges that technology clusters are still trying to solve to achieve greater efficiency and cost parity?
  • What are the key innovation and research focus areas targeted by technology developers, brand owners and retailers?
  • What are the existing and upcoming business models, use cases, policies & regulation frameworks around organic barrier coatings for sustainable packaging?


Scheduled on:
21st July 2022 @ 11.30 AM EST | 08:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM CST | 09:00 PM  IST  And 28th July 2022 @ 11.30 AM EST | 08:30 AM PST | 10:30 AM CST | 09:00 PM  IST

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